Healthy Habits for Children – 95210

Pediatricians nationally established guidelines for encouraging healthy habits in children. This is not a formatted diet or exercise program, but an outline for general lifestyle changes that lead to health for children. The program is named “95210.” Each of the numbers 9-5-2-1-0 relate to a particular habit. Let’s review this concept.

1. Nine:

Children should sleep for nine hours each night. Studies show that children who are sleep deprived are more likely to be obese, demonstrate symptoms of ADHD, and to do more poorly at school. Sleep is required for growth and the development of memories and learning in children.

2. Five:

Children should eat at least five servings of fruits or vegetables each day. This will reduce the amount of “junk food” a child may eat, and provides vitamins and minerals that a child requires for healthy growth and development.

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